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I HATE my school, but I hate my teacher even more. On Tuesday, she asked us what we all wanted to do for spring concert. We told her, and she got pissed because she didn't want to do anything we suggested. So, one student suggests that we do a song by Ray Charles, one that I picked out. Immediately, I told her that we weren't doing it, because we never listened to it. Somehow, I missed it when they played it I class, but I'm positive that I never heard it there. My teacher gets even more pissed and says, "Fine, Malcolm, we'll do your song", but all I hear is "Womp womp womp."She then starts playing it loudly and keeps saying "Satisfied?" I wanted to hit her with my bookbag.
Today, I returned to school. The weather was horrible yesterday, so I stayed home. The day goes on normally, right, but then out of the blue she says,"For your information, Malcolm, we've chosen two songs, are you going to dance?" I'm still trying to figure out the last "Womp womp womp."
× Bullet shouted on Mar. 10, 2005 8:55 pm
Here's some small, but self-explanatory images:
× Bullet shouted on Mar. 9, 2005 8:58 pm
So much to do, so little time! Right now, I'm testing all of the images, links, scripts, html, well, you get the picture. More importantly, I'm making buttons and images for the site. I haven't gotten the chance to make any layouts, yet, but I'll get to it eventually.
I've made the promise to myself that in the summer, I'll go
crazy making layouts and images. Anyone and everyone who comes
here, I have something to ask of you. No, beg of you.
PLEASE, WON'T YOU LINK BACK TO ME? I would really, really
really, really, really appreciate you and would link to your
site and go there as often as I can. I'M DESPERATE!!!
× Bullet shouted on Mar. 9, 2005 5:38 pm
Hello, everybody! This is our third opening day! Well, let me explain. Every time we opened up, there was a problem. The first time, the layout stunk. The second time, I wasn't satisfied with what we were doing. Hosting blogs is okay, but I just don't like the idea of hosting blogs ONLY. The third time is now, and I'm happy! :P This time, I'll still be hosting blogs, but only a few. Since I have so much fun making website layouts, I've decided that that's what I'll do! I'm only good at making them with div layers though (what do you expect, they're really simple).
Here's a little introduction of myself. My name is Malcolm, but I like to be called Bullet. I'm glad that Switchblade Designs is on the web now, because it seems like all the anime sites on the web are hosting by women! That's not right! So, I'm stepping up for the guys (we're not total morons!). I'm EXTREMELY happy with the new site and I hope it'll be here forever.
So, without further ado, I'm proud to announce, for the third,
and hopefully the final time, the grand opening of Switchblade Designs!
× Bullet shouted on Mar. 9, 2005 1:35 pm
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